This is the moving in process of Latin Teacher, Buckley, and I into our new place at 6760 Chauncey Drive in "North Raleigh" we call it Midtown so we're not as far from downtown as we really are :)
Welcome to our home! Come on in!
Here is my loving husband, he loves changing the toilet seats, it's one of the instant gratification things that I think everyone likes. He had three of these to change today. We both feel better having new ones.
This is the epitome of Pioneer Woman, leg cocked out to one side and taking a picture of herself in the mirror. Note the white piece of "furniture" that is to the right side of the screen, this is going to come to its death via Latin Teacher about 10 minutes after this picture.Here it is. He had been longing to take that thing down before we even bought the place.
We needed a beer after all the work we did today, we sure were tired and excited all at the same time! We are so blessed to have a great new home and such wonderful friends and family to support us!
We we left the house this night we were kinda worried about the color of the walls (thought it might be a little dark, but we've gotten over that by now. We really like it and are excited about the other painting we are planning on doing.
This is not the best picture, there had been a lot of work on the house the day this was taken so there was a bunch of dust in the air. You should have seen the place before. I thought I'd gotten a picture of the ceiling before and after. But let me tell you, it was amazing the difference. CTI property services did a superb job!
Mary came to unpack and hangout for a little, she was SUCH a big help in moving, and as moral support as well :)
And to play with a sweet puppy. Who, by the end of the night was being called "Buckle" although he didn't mind as long as you followed everything up by giving him a Charlie Bear which are so easy to find at the Trader Joe's right down the street.
Mom came to visit and install cabinet liners for me (Still protective, what can she say) and took us to Costco my new favorite store. Take notice of the chandilier, it's my new favorite thing in our new house, other than every other item in our place! And CTI installed that as well!
Goodbye Boylan Avenue. You were very good to Latin Teacher and I, we started our marriage with you, started raising a sweet puppy with you and we will come and visit. Promise
Way to go! Moving out is the worst, but moving in to a fun new place is a little better! Good luck getting settled in! We moved in July and are proud to say we are mostly settled :)